dear lottery

dear lottery

Dear Lottery, My fingers trace the familiar lines of the lottery ticket, the numbers a silent prayer whispered against the crisp paper. Its a ritual, a dream woven into the fabric of my life. Every week, I buy that little piece of hope, a fleeting chance at a life transformed. Dear Lottery, you are the embodiment of impossible dreams, a shimmering mirage in the desert of reality. You whisper promises of freedom, of financial security, of a life unburdened by the daily grind. But you are also a cruel mistress, tempting with the illusion of easy riches, only to snatch them away at the last minute. You are a constant reminder of the cruel hand of fate, the unpredictable nature of life. Yet, I keep coming back, drawn by the irresistible allure of possibility. I imagine the joy, the shock, the disbelief that would wash over me if my numbers were called. I envision a life where I can chase my passions, help those in need, and finally breathe easy. Dear Lottery, you are a gamble, a leap of faith, a desperate hope in a world that often feels bleak. You are a dream, a fantasy, a silent prayer in the face of uncertainty. And even though the odds are stacked against me, I hold onto that glimmer of hope, that tiny chance that this time, my numbers will be drawn, and my life will be forever changed. For now, I keep playing, keeping the dream alive, whispering my prayers to the lottery gods, hoping against hope that one day, my dear lottery, you will answer my call.

dear lottery